10 Reasons Why You Should Create An Online Course NOW

Do you have some sort of skills, expertise or knowledge that you’d love to share with others and profit from it, 24/7?
 Well you have come to the right place!

Here you will find 10 reasons why you should start creating your online course TODAY!

Not only are their almost no (or very low) overhead costs with creating an online course, it is such an awesome business model too!

Let’s face it, with the online industry booming, if your business is not online, you are losing out on a lot of money!

So, if you’re still on the fence about whether or not you should create an online course, then keep reading…

1. You get to help people with your knowledge and experience

Most people really do want to make a difference in this world and when you teach others and empower them with your skills and knowledge and see them achieve greatness there really is no better feeling

2. You can reach thousands of people

Gone are the days where the only way you can teach is in person to a select amount of people in a hall or classroom. 
These days with the help from the internet - you can reach a global audience that resonates with you, your message and your mission.  

Language is no longer a barrier, because there’s a multitude of software that can help translate content automatically according to your audience's preferred language.

The perfect way to share your gifts with the world.

3. You can make passive income

Earning money is great, but making money over and over and over again from your online course, is just next level amazing!

Recurring passive income is where you create a product upfront (in this case an online course) and you have systems in place that allow you to sell these online courses anytime of day, every day of the week.

Waking up to payment notifications.  Not trading your time for money.  Who doesn’t want that?

As Warren Buffett once said: “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die”

4. The world is your office

Imagine lying on the beach, sipping a cocktail and enjoying the sun on your face, the wind in your hair and the fresh aromas of the ocean…

Sounds like a dream, right? It can easily be your reality.

 Think about it.  When you’re creating an online course - you don’t need an office, you don’t have anyone to answer to and you can literally work from anywhere in the world!
Every single thing you need in order to build out an online course, can be found on your laptop via an internet connection

5. Drive traffic to your current business and generate high quality leads

Perhaps you already have a current business that you have put your heart, sweat and tears into and you just want to grow this business.

You can use online courses to increase your revenue by down-selling, up-selling or cross-selling other products/services to those who have purchased your online course
This is also a perfect opportunity to learn more about your customers’ behavior and hone in on what exactly it is that your ideal clients want.

You can set up your online course in such a way that it works on autopilot. Which generates income and saves you time!

Leads and customers is what makes businesses grow and an online course can just help your business explode.

6. You can charge more

Because an online course is not something that you can physically touch, it is a lot easier for an online course to have a much higher perceived value than a physical, tangible product, such as an audio file or pdf.

This means that you can charge more, have a much higher profit margin due to the low overhead costs and make more money!

7. It allows you to have time freedom

The online course business does not subject itself to a mundane 9-5 routine, which means that you get to work the way you want to work, when you want to work, while still enjoying life to the fullest.

You can watch your kids sport games, go on vacation when you want and not have to rush around like a headless chicken, because of a job that steals 8 hours of your day for at least 5 days a week.

Heck, you could even work 3 days a week if you wanted to.  

8. You are seen as a thought leader within your industry

When creating an online course, you get the opportunity to share your gifts, expertise and skills with the world.  

What better way to grow your following, build your brand and stand out as an authority within your business?

When you start showing up and prove that you can help your audience with your online course, you will find yourself with a loyal following that will buy from you again and again.


9. You’ll become even better at what you do

One of the best ways to grow your knowledge and become the absolute master of your calling, is by sharing your knowledge with others.

You will be faced with questions from others, which will force you to go even more in-depth and find the answers to the questions posed.

It’s also a surefire way to firmly cement everything you have learned so far into your mind, which allows for you to build an even better understanding of your topic.

10. Online courses are becoming the preferred way to learn

In the past, a huge emphasis was placed on going to University, getting a diploma or a degree in order to educate yourself.

Nowadays, people all over the world are choosing to learn from thought leaders that they admire and look up to via online courses and in doing so up-skilling themselves, without having to pay the exponential costs that go along with attending expensive Universities and other tertiary education.

Not having an online course,  will make you get lost in the crowd, while your competitors are thriving in this digital world.
If you have read this entire post, then take it as a sign that it's your time to create your very own, unique online course!

It's time to start making money while you sleep

There really is no better time than the present to start building a digital empire, that will make you money for many, many years to come.

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